Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Symbolic Portraits

You can commission your own portrait or that of an other person from £300. These portraits are set on a canvas and protected with a clear cover. They are composed of a mask of the person to be portraid, made in porcelain ,plus a number of items which can be "found" objects or porcelain objects and that in your view are relevant to the identity of the person portraid.

Here are a few pictures of my new work "symbolic portraits". You may commission your own portrait from £300.

La Caja de Barnarda Alba

Portrait of a painter

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Press cuttings - Reseñas de prensa

You can read what the press said about our last exhibition...........
Podeis leer lo que dice la prensa sobre la ultima exposicion que tuvimos Trinidad y yo juntas. El Iberico es un periodico londinense de habla castellana y publico este articulo el 4 de noviembre 2010.

Elle Decoration

Elle Decoration

La Gaceta de los Negocios 1-10-2011
La Cronica de Leon Noviembre 2011