Thursday, 6 December 2012

Open Studios November 2012

Here are a few links for your convenience
Algunos enlaces
At present you can only buy my work directly from me, please contact me by email:
Some pictures form the Open Studios
Algunas fotos de nuestra apertura al publico
5 jugs and a bottle
5 jarras y una botella

Seeking light (tree decorations)
Buscando la luz (para el arbol de Navidad)

Porcelain lemon (fly and all) made by me and painted by Trinidad Ball with oil paints
Limon de porcelana (y mosca) hecho por me y pintado por Trinidad Ball al oleo


Fake Fruit - a genuine London product

Fruta falsa - producto genuino de Londres

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Open Studios 2012

Next Open studios will be 30th November to 2nd December, see flyer...
You will find me in the Holborn site, studio E2M
Look out for "Peace Formation" an installation of porcelain doves I am planning to set up in
the second floor corridor.
10 doves with guilded olive branches following the plan below


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Featured this month...

1 - apres le cafe -porcelain tower                                                                            


 2. two tied -  porcelain bottles with cord on a slate tile


3. porcelain bowl with cobalt and 6 porcelain lemons

4. Bundle- porcelain form with suface imprint and cord


 5. Cherries - porcelain cherries on glazed kiln shelf fragment


 Pair of porcelain bottles with silver wire decoration

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Summer 2012 - Verano 2012

This has been a busy Summer with the Cockpit Open Studios in June and my participation in the Royal Academy Summer Show and the Annual exhibition of the Society of Women Artists.

!Con tres exposiciones este verano ni tiempo para la playa!

Here are a few pictures from the Open Studios.
Algunas fotos del taller vestido de domingo.  Fin de semana abierto al publico
 Still Life, all porcelain pieces.    Bodegon, piezas en porcelana con pigmentos y oleos.
A sample of my commemorative ceramics that can be commissioned.
Muestra de pieza conmemorativa, solo por encargo.

2 flat jugs! 2.5D is the name of the new collection.

Conmemorative bottle and studio paraphernalia. Botella conmemorativa y moldes de escayola.


Fotos de la exposicion en la Royal Academy.     At the Royal Academy Summer Show.

Friday, 18 May 2012

New Work: 2.5D

If you wish to contact me please write to:

These jugs belong to my collection of work called 2.5D.  Vessels that appear to be pictures, perched somewhere between 2 and 3 dimentions

Friday, 27 April 2012

Exhibiting at the Royal Accademy Summer Show??

"Hatillo"  (bundle) this a picture of the piece the RA have selected for the Summer exhibition.   Textured porcelain with cobalt colouring.
The show will last from 4th June to 12th August at the RA Galleries in Picadilly.
Here is an other version of the same concept.  This will be on show during my Open Weekend at Cockpit Arts (Holborn) Studio E2M                  June 15th to 17th.  For more details about the Open Studios see:

Exhiting with The Society of Women Artists

Virtually a Jug is the piece you will  be able to see at the Mall Galleries from 27th June to 7th July.  It is part of my new collection: "Not A Picture" - 3D objects mascarading as pictures.

Friday, 9 March 2012


If you want to contact me directly:
Si deseas contactar directamente:

Not a picture

Aqui podeis ver unas fotos del nuevo tema: "not a picture", vasijas de porcelana que segun se miren parecen un dibujo mas bien que un objeto en 3 dimensiones.
Here are a few pictures of my new work "not a picture", vessles that look more like a 2D image that a real 3D object!

Aun sin hornear... trofeo en blanco
Not yet fired... a blank trophy
Small jug, still unfired and undecorated
Jarra mediana, sin hornear y sin decoracion.